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Poster Presentations Session II
Poster Session | 8th EATA Conference 2019
Properties of semi-blown bitumen containing residues from “Bottom of the Barrel” upgrading processes. R. Cerny (Czech Republic)
Experimental Characterisation of Storage Stability of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen. H. Wang (The Netherlands)
New approaches in characterization of Fine Asphalt Mixes. F. Miranda Argüello (Costa Rica)
The chemistry behind rheological and thermal transitions of oxidized bitumen. A. Baldi (Costa Rica)
Relationship between chemical composition and crossover temperature of oxidized bitumen. R. Villegas (Costa Rica)
Rheological characterization of asphalt mixtures using a dynamic SCB test. F. Martinez (Argentina)
FEM Analysis of Pavement Structure in a Tunnel. M. Woldekidan (The Netherlands)
New quality control method for the manufacture and layering of bituminous mixtures based on the Fenix Test. R. Botella (Spain)
Effect of bitumen characteristics obtained according to EN and Superpave specifications on asphalt mixture performance in low-temperature laboratory tests. D. Rys (Poland)
Evaluation of dynamic modulus (E*) master curve construction using field data. C. Plati (Greece)
Influence of water on the adhesiveness of the bituminous mastic using cellulose ashes as contribution filler. D. Movilla Quesada (Chile)
Use of copper slags as aggregate replacement in asphalt mixes: influence of particle size in tensile strength under moisture, aging and temperature conditions. A.C. Raposeiras (Chile)
Performance prediction of asphalt mixes with high RA contents using the German design approach. A. Blasl (Germany)
Study of the application of Bio-Cutbacks from the Petroleum Plant on Prime Coat. L. Gondim (Brazil)
Development of Rutting Model for Indian Highways based on Rut Depth Simulations using AASHTOWare. J.M. Krishnan (India)
Smart Geosynthetics For Strain Measurements In Asphalt Pavements. D. Lesueur (France)
Using Polymer and Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixtures to Prevent Reflective Cracking on Airfield Pavements. Case Study: International Airport Ernesto Cortissoz, Barranquilla, Colombia. L. Fuentes (Colombia)
Field Ageing of Bitumen in Asphalt Mixture. It's Evolution over Time and Pavement Depth
Are we correctly measuring the rotational viscosity of modified bituminous binders? G. Giancontieri (Italy)
Environmental impact of bio-based asphalt mixtures: Life Cycle Inventory, Life Cycle Assessment and recommendations. K. Mantalovas (Greece)
Development of a Representative Accelerated Ageing Method for Porous Asphalt Top-Layers
Rheological Characterization and Morphological Analysis of Bituminous Binders Containing Nano-Sized Additives
On Low Temperatur Binder Testing using DSR 4MM Geometry