"PDV by itafec" Events

The concept “PDV by itafec” is based on the idea of boosting the Person-to-person impact of a conventional event by means of Digital tools (HD streaming combined with the most effective strategy on social media) and Virtual resources to enhance interaction (VR/2D or VR/3D). This offers us the possibility to transform any seminar or congress in a three-level event, that is to say, “PDV by itafec”: Person-to-person, Digital boost and Virtual interaction.

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Recent News

La 22ª edición del Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano del Asfalto (XXII CILA) alcanza una nueva marca histórica y logra una audiencia online de 1,1 millones de usuarios

La vigesimosegunda edición de la cumbre mundial del asfalto XXII CILA, celebrada en Granada (España) del 22 al 26 de abril y retransmitida vía streaming por itafec, superó la barrera del millón de usuarios onli..

El interCILA 2023, celebrado en Madrid en modalidad híbrida, supera los 100 mil usuarios de audiencia online

La mayor cumbre digital sobre pavimentación asfáltica supera de largo los tres millones de impresiones en su sexta edición, la tercera que se celebra incorporando las modalidades de seguimiento digital (streaming HD vía it..

Next event:

15 Oct

VI Jornada Nacional de ATEB


La Asociación Técnica de Emulsiones Bituminosas (ATEB) se complace en anunciar la celebración de la VI Jornada Técnica Nac..

On The Networks

Our special trademarks

Innovation in digital boost

Innovation in digital boost

itafec pioneered 10 years ago, in 2012, the incorporation of digital resources (HD streaming combined with social media) into conventional technical events, which meant a real breakthrough based on innovation. Until then there was no such thing, we invite you to visit the EVOLUTION tab for more information. The very first broadcast was in March 2012 (III Seminar on Tests on Bituminous Mixtures of Asefma), pursuing maximum image quality with a specific hashtag.


Global dissemination events

Global dissemination events

From any computer, tablet or smartphone the website itafec is accessible, on the EVENTS tab, to view from any device the most important events of the sector in HD quality. Over the past 10 years we have already broadcast more than 85 technical events from over 12 different countries. Besides, the option itafec.club offers private sessions to share with your clients or friends. 

Go to itafec club

The largest 2.0 community

The largest 2.0 community

There are already more than 25,000 registered users on itafec.com of over 45 different countries. itafec wants its users to feel PRODUMER, recommend our products and participate in the digital transformation process of the road industry. We invite you to click the AUTHORS tab, become an autor and participate as a PRODUMER.



Upcoming events in HD streaming

Oct 15 Oct

VI Jornada Nacional de ATEB

# VIJornadaATEB

La Asociación Técnica de Emulsiones Bituminosas (ATEB) se complace en anunciar la cele..

More info
Sep 24 Sep

3er International Conference on Asphalt 4.0

# ICA4point0

Asefma y ZAS, en colaboración con EAPA, tienen el placer de invitarle a la tercera ..

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Apr 22 Apr

XXII CILA de Granada


Streaming HD GRATUITO gracias al patrocinio de: de itafec y Virtón ¡&Uacut..

More info

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